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Established Businesses

Businesses with nine or fewer employees that have been in operation for more than five years and want to expand.

Three people working together
0 +
Years Experience

Taking your small business to the next level

When you have been in business for more than five years, your mindset naturally changes – you are no longer in the existence stage and have graduated to the maturity stage. 
As your business has matured and grown, you are likely to have employed more versatile staff, developed more financial resources, built up some good systems and processes, and possibly decentralised your management.   
You might have started your business because you were excited about monetising your inherent skills. But as you became more established within a market, youve started to think bigger. 
Developing the higher level skills of being a business owner is crucial to your ongoing success and requires a whole new approach: you need to think more deeply about strategy, team building, communication, collaboration, mitigating risks and contingency planning. 
Finding the balance between being a small business owner and working for your business can be challenging – we can help you to achieve this.

Small business, big impact.

As a small business owner, competing with larger companies and finding new ways to grow your business can be challenging. However, there are several strategies you can implement to increase your reach, manage your clients and attract more customers. 

We explore what strategies are working for your established business and identify areas that require attention. Finessing the business today will reap the rewards for tomorrow’s growth. What would fall apart if your business grew to 10 times its size tomorrow? The Yellow Mastermind will help you to get a more nuanced appreciation of your growth journey – where you want to go and what it will take to get there.

Growth Goals

Take a good look at your small business — your capacity, the triumphs and challenges, and the goals you need to achieve to propel further business growth.

Personal Development

When you grow, so will your business. Your self-development will impact your team and further drive your ambitions.

Big results, small investment.

Just as a ship can navigate dangerous waters and reach its destination with the aid of a compass, your established business can navigate a challenging market and reach your business goals if you have the right strategy in place.  
While a compass ensures a ship is not veering off course, your strategy will guide you in a clear direction towards sustainable and profitable business growth. 
With our competitive £250 monthly membership, you’ll be developing a business strategy to sail through your next set of challenges, supported by experienced small business owners who have also weathered their fair share of storms. 

Claim your business grant

The Yellow Mastermind provides everything you need to grow your small business without working 60+ hours, increasing payroll or becoming overwhelmed.  

Trial Yellow Mastermind for FREE with our small business grants. 

Claim your micro-business grant

The Yellow Mastermind provides everything you need to grow your business without working 60+ hours, increase in payroll and overwhelm. 

And right now, you can claim your FREE, low risk trial with our micro-business grants.

Big results, small investment.

Ready to tap into the transformative power of The Yellow Mastermind? Take the next crucial step towards unlocking the full potential of your small business. Discover our range of packages designed to propel your growth journey forward. 

Micro businesses

What our members say

What our members say